EuroHPC Initiative workshop

16 May 2018

Being one of three research e-infrastructures in the Czech Republic, and being actively involved in pan-European discussion on the e-infrastructure ecosysem, CERIT-SC was also represented at EuroHPC Initiative workshop organised by MEYS, European Commision, and IT4I. Czech Republic signed the Declaration on the Development of Cooperation on HPC on 24 January 2018. The workshop aimed to enable anyone involved in the research community and the business community of the Czech Republic to actively engage in debates on how to implement the EuroHPC initiative.

The current direction of the EuroHealth Initiative was presented by Leonardo Flores, European Commission (DG CONNECT), Directorate for Digital Excellence and Research Infrastructure. Presentations of all participants in the workshop are available at

The EuroHPC Initiative is based on the HPC Cooperation Declaration, signed in Rome on March 23, 2017. The primary objective of the initiative is to develop two pre-exascale and two exascale supercomputer systems in Europe to make Europe more competitive in the field of HPC technologies globally. The aim of the initiative is, among other things, to move Europe in the coming decade into three of the most prominent leaders in the development of HPC technologies in the world. The strategic objective of the initiative is then to strengthen the capabilities of European enterprises to develop world-class supercomputing capabilities so that the European HPC infrastructure is no longer dependent on non-European component suppliers.

HPC is a highly dynamic field of research, development and innovation. Computer simulations enable researchers and innovators to perform experiments in a virtual reality environment in a cheaper, faster, safer, and environmentally friendly manner, without the need for real-time experimentation. This significantly reduces the cost of developing new technologies, as well as enabling experiments that would otherwise be very difficult to implement. 



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